vendredi 23 décembre 2016

Australie Anglaterre Anglaterre Australie

Tout le monde est d´accord.

There´s agreement between both. By history. Australia was and still is a British Colony in Africa.
Australia 8.

The Australians were Japaneses. Now they are Chineses. Well the Australians were Chineses too.
The Australians were pigs. Now they are dogs.
The Australians were Donkeys. Now they are Monkeys.
Everything has changed. Due to other and new interests. Due to a new job. Due to a scientific job. T aassss. 
The British, now, they are all that the Australians are.
It was a kind of a need and a kind of clearness to mix everything and everyone, because of the interests, because of the job and because all that it´s at steak for the organization.

 La tour CN, 
est une maladie de quelques uns. Une maladie d´une organisation. Une maladie de science T et de religion de quelques uns. Est une maladie de santé des médecins. La tour CN est une maladie de la radio, de la télé et de la information. Est une maladie du pensé de quelques uns. Est une maladie d´idées et points de vu des choses. De éducation et de culture. De travaille.